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Q: Is a tennis ball in if any part of the ball is touching or over the line?
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Related questions

What are the regulations for tennis?

tennis regulations include but are not limited to: foot faults - you cant step over the line before you serve the ball you cant touch the net until the point is over the ball cant bounce twice before you hit it no distracting the player during the point(yelling, etc)

What is service ace in volleyball?

When the server serves the ball directly into the opposite side of the court with no player from the other team touching the ball (or they touch the ball but the second pass is unplayable).

What is it called when a tennis ball goes around the net and not over it?


What are the teaching points for a backhand pass in tennis?

Stay down on the ball. Don't aim for the line, aim 2-3 feet inside the line to ensure a good shot...don't worry about where the opponent is, focus on the ball and finishing up over your shoulder.

If a player is dribbling the ball in the frontcou and steps over half court but the ball never crosses the line ie it is still being dribbled in the back court and then he steps back is that backcour?

Yes, we believe it would be considered an over and back because you are touching the ball when you cross half court.

Can you step over the boundary line when you serve?

No, you CANT step over the serving line when you serve in volleyball. The "ref" on the side of the court, on the stand, will call it, and give a point to the opposing team. Usually the line judge should call it....

What comPany logo has half a tennis ball over ss?


What is a good way to recognize prepositions?

Let's play tennis! A good way to recognize prepositions is to imagine a tennis net. Now think of a tennis ball as a preposition (e.g., the ball can go "through" the net, the ball can go "over" the net)

Why is it called a let in tennis when the ball hits the net?

It is called a "let" in tennis when the ball hits the net because "Filet" is the French word for net and the game originated in France.

An attempt by a player to win a point by hitting the ball over the net?

If you reach your racquet over the net in the middle of a point before the ball has crossed the net, you lose the point. If the ball has crossed the net and when you return it your follow through goes over the net without touching it, it is good

What three kinds of errors can result in losing the serve?

The three kinds of errors that can result in losing the serve in sports like tennis or volleyball are: Serving the ball out of bounds. Failing to get the ball over the net. Committing a foot fault by stepping on or over the service line.

Can you reach over the net to hit the ball in tennis?

Depends on what you mean by "you." I'll assume that you mean either a ball you have just hit, or yourself. If the ball touches the net on a serve, and bounces over the net landing in-bounds, then it is called a let, and acts just like a redo. If the ball hits the net and falls back on your side, then it is a fault and you loose the point. Any other time, the ball is allowed to hit the net. If you touch the net yourself (either with your racquet, clothes, body, hair) before the ball has bounced twice on the opponent's court then you loose the point.