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If that time is true, you'll win every single race in High School and College, and you're probably two seconds faster than every single kid your age in the world. I'm sure you're very fast, but if you timed it yourself or had a friend time it, find someone else to do it. I imagine this time is due to human error.

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16y ago
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16y ago

its not bad but u may want to try and get to a 14.5 and to do that start working on getting your legs stronger

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16y ago

yes that is fast!

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15y ago

No, because I'm 12 and i got 12.3 on my 100 meter dash. That was on a broken ankle. No, because I'm 12 and i got 12.3 on my 100 meter dash. That was on a broken ankle.

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15y ago

It is better than average, however it must be timed withofficial equipment and qualified officials.

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Q: Is 13.39 seconds a good sprint 100m time for a 10 year old?
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What is a good time for the 100m sprint at 10 years old?

15 seconds would probably be good for a 10 year old, or maybe in the 14s.

What is expected time for an 8 year old 100m sprint?

For an 8 year old the 100m is not a sprint; it is an endurance event. Any child, male or female, who can out run their fellow children aged 8 will most likely become a very good middle distance runner when older. Basically, sprint times run at this age are meaningless. Taking part and trying to win is all that matters to kids of this age.

What are good high school sprint times?

boys 100m: under 11.8 boys 200m: under 24.5 seconds girls 100m: under 13 sec girls 200m under 27 sec. These are not outstanding times but are average to above average

What is the fastest time for a 11 yr old 100m sprint?

A good time for an 11-year-old girl is anywhere around 15 and 16 seconds and possibly a little faster for a boy. However, speeds of over 13 seconds can be reached for both genders if you are talking about a very good runner. Most achieve over 20 seconds.

What is a good 100m dash time for a 14 yr old girl?

13 - 13.5 seconds

What is a good time for under 15 girls 100 meters sprint?

11.8 - 12.4 seconds

What is the average time for a 11 year old girl in 100m?

I do 14:89 but 15 or 16 seconds is also good

What is a good 100 meter sprint time between the ages 15-17?

11-12 seconds

What is a good 60m sprint time for an 8 year old?

Around 8 or 9 Seconds

What is a good time for the 100 and 200 mm dash for 13 yr old boy?

My daughter is eleven she does 200m in just under thirty seconds (best in her grade) and so for you a great run is twenty fiveish. My daughter is not a great sprinter she is second best and she does fifteen seconds for 100m but if you are really good you should be able to do thirteen or fourteen (on esecond difference in 100m is a lot)! Good luck

Is under 5 seconds good for a 30m sprint?

Depends, im a rugby player, about 17 stone, 6"3 and i can do it in 5.03

Is it possible to run 300 yards in 75 seconds?

Easily possible. 75 seconds is actually kind of slow for only 300 yards. yes 75 seconds is really really slow. 75 seconds is like a good 500 time. To me its not a specific way how to run it you just run. Basically you sprint the whole thing and main tain a paste. That's all cause that event is a sprint.