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You may be referring to body tension, which is when a muscle is "squeezed" or "tight". Try flexing your bicep. You have created tension. If you straighten your legs all the way and point your toes, with your feet and knees together, you have created tension. Gymnastics judges look for this in order to give good scores to competetive gymnasts.

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Q: In gymnastics what is tension?
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In gymnastics what is counter tension?

Counter tension is pulling against your partner the weight is not evenly distributed correct its true thanks!

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body tension is important as it allows you to achieve a high rated, quality standard and more professional movement and posture

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Balance may mean many things, the most common is balance as in balance beam. A balance beam is a sick like figure about three feet off the ground. It is used for many gymnastics competitions.

Do people have to do gymnastics?

no people do not have to do gymnastics

Are there pairs in gymnastics?

it depends on what gymnastics you do if it is rhythmic gymnastics then yes if it is just gymnastics then no

What is aesthetic gymnastics?

There is no such thing all the different types of gymnastics are tnt gymnastics, guys artistic gymnastics, girls artistic gymnastics and rhythmic gymnastics

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Are british gymnastics different to American gymnastics?

No. Gymnastics is the same everywhere.

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Rhythmic Gymnastics Trampoline. Tumbling. Acrobatic Gymnastics.

When gymnastics ended?

Gymnastics has not ended. I know because i am still in gymnastics currently.

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In gymnastics you will need to have an experiment for gymnastics when you are doing a research

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