A low running short, usually played with a club such as a 7 iron- wedge. The ball is carried a short way and then rolls the rest of the way like a putt.
The term chipping is used in sport climbing, which is a form of rock climbing. In the sport of golf, the term 'chip shot' is often used.
It is the total number of golf club strokes, that a specific course was designed to be played in for 18 holes.
Hazard is the area of sand or water between the tee and the hole.
a computer term that refers to "readily accessible memory" this is the physical chip memory that the computer uses for quick or short term usage a computer term that refers to "readily accessible memory" this is the physical chip memory that the computer uses for quick or short term usage
The term "chip" can refer to various things depending on the context. In technology, a chip can be a small piece of semiconductor material used in electronic devices. In poker, a chip is a token representing money. It can also refer to a small piece or fragment of something.
Blue chip stock is a terminology used is within the stock market to mean that a company that is well established and financially not making losses. An investment with a blue chip company is often considered the most secure type of stock investment that can be made.
When a player takes one shot less than the specified par on a hole
one under par for that hole is par 4 and you get 3
Catch in golf doesn't mean anything
A billigan is a slang term for a do over in golf. It similar to the term mulligan used in golf. This term was used quite often with President Bill Clinton.
Lean slightly onto your left side with your feet close together, and relax.