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You cannot reset the ball at all without taking a penalty.

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Q: In golf After missing the ball can you re set the ball on a tee off a tee?
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What sport uses a tee?

Golf! In golf, you use the tee, to set your ball on it, then you hit the ball with your selected club.

What Gadgets are not needed in miniature golf?

set of clubs or a golf cart are not required. distance measureing device are not needed either nor a ball retriever.

Why the golf ball is in 1.68-inch diameter?

It is just the legal limit that has been set under the rules of golf. 1.68 is also known as the Golden Ratio.

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take your eye off the target set

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well either to get to the ball or it is when at the start of a hole you hit the longest shot with your driver and set up the rest

What does os mean in Adams golf clubs?

It means offset, that set has offset which is supposed to make it easier for amateurs to square the clubface. Some players hate offset because they say it makes them hook the ball(clubface becomes too closed..)

How is Einstein involved in gravity?

His general theory of relativity explains that gravity is produced by the bending of space. There is a formula to calculate the gravity of an objects gravity directly related to the mass of the object. Think of a trampoline with a heavy bowling ball in the very center. If you set a golf ball on the edge of the trampoline it will roll to the bowling ball due to the bending of the trampoline fabric. If you were to roll the golf ball around the trampoline instead of at the bowling ball you will notice the golf ball will make several rotations around the bowling ball befor hitting it. Now imagine the mass of the bowling ball has increased 100 fold, it would bend the fabric of the trampoline to the ground in the center. If you were to set the golf ball on the edge of the trampoline now you would see it fall to the center much much faster than it did earlier. This is a simple explanation of why the moon circles the earth, or earth the sun. The moon is actually falling towards earth but moves to fast it keeps missing it. These ideas are fundamental to our understanding of gravity, which we would never know had Einstein not written his paper.

How many rounds before one should use a new ball?

i dont really think there is any set time to replace a golf ball . if you see it has a slice or cut in it or you see its off round & doesnt roll straight or it just doesnt seem to go as far < replace it.

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How do you set the timeing in a golf 3

What is a good desk top pen set for a gift?

A good one is one in which the person receiving the gift is reminded of what they love. For example there are golf pen sets that have a golf ball and club in which the pens can be held. Buy a pen set for a gift according to what a person loves.

What is the collective noun for clubs?

The collective noun is a set of Golf clubs.