The ball must come to rest at the bottom of the cup for the ball to be deemed as holed. Say you are pitching as your third shot and the ball goes in and comes out, you must play the ball as it lies and you will be putting for four.
If for example you pitch it into the hole and it gets lodged between the cup and the flag you can walk up and nudge the pin so the ball goes into the hole, but if you try to pull it out and the ball flicks out you must again play the ball as it lies, the shot was not holed.
It is called a lip out.
Golf Ball
A Golf Ball
Bouncy ball
A golf ball would bounce higher than a basket ball.
A chunk, or people may say you caught it fat, or if it bounces off the ground then the club hits the ball it is known as a drop kick.
A golf ball. Seriously it does... Try it
a normail bouncy ball, maybe a basketball
A tennis ball does bounce higher!!!:]] x
A golf ball will bounce higher. It has more mass so it is less influenced by air resistance.
probably would have ice crystals on the ball, and be very cold.