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Q: How should you throw the ball to maximize the amount of work it does on the pins?
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Do you need the same amount of force to throw a basketball 3 meters as you need to throw a golf ball 3 meters?

To answer this question and ones like it, try exaggerating. Does it take the same amount of force to throw a cannon ball 3 meters as it does to throw a golf ball 3 meters?

Do goalies always throw and kick the ball?

No. There is no rule for how the goalie should kick or throw the ball. It all depends on where it is throwing. Goalies sometimes only throw the ball at their teammates instead of kicking it.

Do You need the Sam amount of force to throw a basketball 3 meters as you need to throw a golf ball 3 meters?

No you do not need the same amount of force to throw a basketball 3 meters as you would need to throw a golf ball 3 meters. The amount of force required to throw a basketball 3 meters depends on several factors: The weight of the ball: Basketballs are much heavier than golf balls. The size of the ball: Basketballs are much larger than golf balls. The amount of air resistance: Basketballs are much more aerodynamic than golf balls.Therefore you would need to generate more force to throw a basketball 3 meters than you would to throw a golf ball 3 meters.

When you throw a ball in the air when does it have the least amount of gravitational potential energy?

Whenever it is at its lowest position.

How do you catch Balurkia in Pokemon Lake?

Throw a master ball at it, or weaken it then throw an ultra,great or pokeball that should do the trick

What happens when you throw a rugby ball at a light?

Depending on the amount of protection said light has, and the ability of the person throwing the ball, at worst case scenario you get a smashed light and a punctured ball.

How do you catch Groudon without a masterball?

weaken it confuse it and paralaze or poison or put to sleep to it and throw any pokemon a large amount of times then throw a timer ball

Should Vince Young be a running back?

Doubtful, because he has ability to throw the ball.

What pokeball is best for catching Celebi?

When catching Celebi, you should have a cherish ball. Throw it and it will be an instant catch. (DO NOT USE A MASTER BALL OR ANY OTHER BALL.)

What does a goalie do after he stops a shot on goal?

They should attempt to maintain possession of the ball with their hands. Stopping a shot does not imply that they have full possession. Hold onto the ball, but you only have a certain amount of time to get rid of it, so you eithor punt the ball, throw it, or kick it. Your choice.

What is the easiest way to throw a ball have it stop and completely reverse direction after traveling a short distance?

To achieve this, you can throw the ball low and with backspin. The backspin creates lift, delaying the ball's descent and causing it to reverse direction once it loses momentum. Practice adjusting the strength of your throw and the amount of backspin to control how far the ball travels before reversing.

What is the difference between throw me the ball and throw the ball to me?

nothing they mean the same thing