When you throw a ball with a spin (screwball), the airflow on the ball creates a pressure difference between the two sides, causing it to curve. The rotation of the ball affects its trajectory by creating lift, stability, and drag forces. The speed of the throw will also affect the overall flight path of the ball.
softballl is mainley for girls or older ppl and they throw faster and they have a bigger ball. Baseball is mainly for guys, they throw faster and have a smaller ball than softball
The term "goal throw" has no meaning in soccer. A throw in is taken when the ball completely exits the field across the touch line, and it is a means to restart play. A player of the team that did not touch the ball last will take the throw in.
There is no difference between the cue ball and billiard ball except that the cue ball is white and without significant markings.
Their difference is that a 15 gram ball is lighter than a 60 gram ball.
what the difference between 1000 grit and 1000 polished finish on a bowling ball
cif will paid throw of shipper. fob will paid throw of buyer.
b2 is slightly bigger
Volleyballs are softer than a soccer ball.