I don't think its to rare these days. Of coarse everyone can't do one but with the new trend of parkour there are several people who can do a back tuck.
There is not a big difference.In a front flip, you do not have to tuck in your feet/calfs, however with the front tuck, your hands have to be wrapped around your feet and bottom part of your legs. So, a front tuck would be a bit easier for some people, and a front flip would be easier for other people.
back handspring, front tuck, back tuck, layout, full.
You cannot tuck a back layout...because if you did...it would be called a back tuckkk. Duhhhhh :)
A back tuck is a tumbling move. In a back tuck, the body is curled up tightly into a ball. The knees are as close to the chest as possible, with the hands clutching the knees. By "tucking" together tightly in this manner, the body is able to reach maximum angular velocity, thus minimizing the time required for the body to complete its revolution.
Here is a list of tricks you can learn on a trampoline * Front Handspring * Front Tuck * Back Handspring * Back Tuck * Handstand * Cartwheel * Round- Off * Round- Off Back Handspring * Round- Off Back Handspring Tuck * Back Handspring, Back Handspring * Back Handspring, Back Tuck * Front Handspring, Front Handspring * Front Handspring, Front Tuck * Back Tuck, Back Tuck * Front Tuck, Front Tuck * Front Handspring, Back Handspring * Back Handspring, Front Handspring * Russian * Pike * Tuck * Seat Drop * Belly Flop * Back Drop * Twist * Cannon Ball * Side Flip * Sommersault ... if you have a big enough trampoline... you can do alot more tricks. This is only some of the basic tricks. If you are able to do these... you can experience alot more complicated tricks. If you try these and get hurt... well it is not our fault... we are just sugesting this. Thanks... and remember BE CAREFUL... DONT HURT YOURSELF
Currently, as in 6/8/09, Joe Eigo has the highest standing back tuck on YouTube. But I'm not quite sure about the whole world.
arms up and jump and while you jump, tuck at the same time
* back tuck * back walk over * front hand spring * back hand spring * round off * back roll * back extension roll * front tuck * cartwheel
try resubmitting this question in proper English so people can actually understand what you are asking
You need at least enough speed to roatate you hips back in a tuck posion, and enough height so that you will not fall back on your head! :p
There are cartweels and chantaind it is a mixter ao dance and gymasticsIt goes from front roll, to back roll, hand stand, walking hand stand, front walk over, back walkover, front hand spring, back hand spring, front tuck, double front tuck, back tuck, double back tuck, triple ect., layout, wipeback, half, full, double full.
I dont know who ever wrote this was stupid cuz people arent experts!