* back tuck * back walk over * front hand spring * back hand spring * round off * back roll * back extension roll * front tuck * cartwheel
The different kinds of stunts in gymnastics are individual stunts, dual stunts and group stunts. Individual stunts are performed by a single person, dual stunts are performed by partners and group stunts are performed by 3 or more persons.
individual stunts are stunts done by only one person.
Angel stunts in gymnastics are stunts that are performed by a single person. They are sometimes referred to as individual stunts.
duck walk, rabbit hop, crab walk, dog run, measuring inch worm, knee dip coffe grider,
Examples of group stunts include building a human pyramid, synchronized swimming routines, cheerleading formations, and acrobatic performances involving multiple people. These activities require coordination, teamwork, and communication among group members to successfully execute the stunts.
back roll;cart wheel:front tuck:round off
They're are many types of cheerleading Stunts. The most popular include, preps, extensions, libs, scorpians, scales, areobesks, bow and aero, and one that is not too common, a needle. When trying these stunts, remember to stretch out alot and have a stunt group that you trust. Always have spotters when trying new skills
The group stunts in gymnastics are stunts done by many of the group all at the same time. Some of the group stunts that you will see include the Merry Go Round, the Triple Roll, and the Snake.
Combative stunts are typically done by people in gymnastics, self-defense, and military personnel. They are stunts done by two or more performers who fight each other and show endurance, balance, agility, and strength.
In gymnastics there really isn't any stunts. That's more of a Cheerleading thing. You may mean having a coach spot you when you say "stunt" and in that case there are alot of stunts in gymnastics!
P0tang ina nyo sagutin nyo 2ng tanong na 2 mga b0b0 kay0!!!!!!!!