The term 'tennis ball hopper' is pretty broad, covering a variety of different tennis court equipment.
Tennis ball tubes can be used to pick up balls and as a dispenser you hang on the fence. They generally hold about 15-18 balls and are great for individuals who don't hit more than a couple of dozen balls in a session.
Another type of tennis ball hopper is a ball basket. You typically use these to pick up balls by pushing the bottom of the basket on the ball and squeezing it into the storage bin. Many of these models allow you to flip the handles so that the basket can be used like a stand that you can easily grab balls out of.
Another type of tennis ball hoppers are the ball carts. These look somewhat like grocery carts. You can't use them to pick up balls, but they can hold about 200-350 balls. One model in particular has collapsible legs that allow it to fit in the trunk of a car.
Finally, there are the ball mowers. These are designed to quickly gather large numbers of balls into a container. You push them like a lawn mower and the mechanism inside the mower feeds the ball into a storage unit. Some models of mowers can double as stands or allow you to set up the storage unit like a stand.
A new tennis ball will bounce higher. Old tennis balls are considered "dead."
Head to They have one of the best tennis ball machines you can buy. You can just head to good old, they have plenty of tennis ball machines for you to choose from. where can I find a used tennis ball machine with battery and A/C?
The 'people who fetch the tennis balls' are called ball boys and ball girls. The ball boys and ball girls are usually under 18 years old, with some being as young as 10 or 12 and others being as old as 16.
a tennis ball
A tennis ball.
A tennis ball.
Its a fat foot ball tennis ball my balls bounce the highest
You won't believe this one...a tennis ball. Simply rub a tennis ball on the scuff and it will come right up. Put the tennis ball on an old mop stick and have a ball getting marks off the floor. Trust me..Walmart uses this one.
There is no biggest tennis ball. the normal tennis ball has 6.7 cm as diameter.
Tennis ball
tennis ball
A space hopper is a toy that goes by name names. You may know it as a moon hopper or a hoppity ball or even a kangaroo ball. You are more likely to be familiar with a space hopper if you live in the U.K.