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You need to know how many calories you're consuming, the intensity of your jog and just what the workout video is. Remember that health and weight maintenance requires a lifelong commitment.

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Q: How much weight can you lose in 2 weeks by doing an exercise DVD for 30 minutes everyday and jogging for 30 minutes most day and also drinking more water?
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How long do teenagers need to exercise a day to be healthy?

i would say jogging would be the best. if you already exercise then probably 30 minutes, or you could do walk for 10 for a week, then the next week jog for 10 and then work yourself up to the 30 minutes.

Which exercise training would build up more stamina sprinting or jogging for 40 minutes?

To build stamina long slow distance jogging is best

How long is 30 minutes of exercise a year?

30 minutes for everyday,for one year is 10,950 .

Is jogging for 30 minutes at 4.5 MPH an effective workout?

Yes. It is perfectly effective, you will burn around 400 calories from the exercise.

How long should we wait to exercise after drinking a glass of milk?

About ten minutes unless it was a big glass then 15 minutes.

How many hours of exercise should you get in one day?

To stay healthy about an hour of exercise. So if I were you I would do at least 15 minutes of jump rope, 15 minutes of riding a bike, 15 minutes of jogging and about another 15 minutes doing stretches. But stretches should probably come first because you don't want to pull a muscle or anything. Then you should also drink about three bottles of water and some fruits or a fruit smoothie and that's how you should keep healthy everyday.

Is running an aerobic exercise?

any exercise that makes your heart rate go up is considered an aerobic exercise. 20 minutes if aerobics everyday help you lose belly fat!

What type of exercise program should I have if my goal is to only burn fat, and not muscle?

The best type of workout for buring fat can involve different types of exercise. What you need to do, whatever your workout choice, is to sustain your target heart rate for 20 minutes, for example, through 20 minutes on a treadmill, exercise bike, jogging or running.

How can you lose 5 pounds easily?

Change back to a balanced diet; skip the sodas and desserts; exercise 45 minutes everyday with some intervals of vigorous exercise.

Should a person with high blood cholesterol consider participating in an aerobic exercise program such as walking or jogging?

A person with high blood cholesterol should consider participating in an aerobic exercise program such as walking or jogging. Exercise along with clean eating will help encourage a healthy lifestyle.

How can you get good cardiovascular health each week?

30 minutes a day of any exercise that raises your heartbeat. This can include walking, riding a bicycle, aerobics, weight training, jogging, etc. The key here is sustained exercise for 30 minutes a day. Quit Smoking, if you smoke, and eat a low fat/high fiber diet, and watch the red meat intake. Drinking a small amount of red wine has shown heart health benefits in some studies.

What is the effect of drinking milk before any physical exercise?

Drink milk 20 minutes before the exercise. The effect of drinking milk just before any physical exercise is that milk may form gases that push your diaphragm upwards and compress your heart, thus reducing your cardiac potential.