It depends on how much running experience you have already and how much time you have to train.
Well if it were me I would train my legs as much as I can in fact I would train the day I heard about the marathon.
too much
because they train harder than sprinters. try to run a marathon then you'll understand why they deserve more money than sprinters.
to find out how much a train weighs
I am 6'1" and weigh 170 with a BMI of 22
This is a good website to start with: The typical answer seems to be about 1.2 litres/hr
By drinking alot of water. but not so much you'll drown yourself. you should be drinking half your body weight in water (oz). Eat healthy. Proteins, carbs, vitamins. Wear your sweats when you run to warm up. Stretch alot. Run 30-1 hour minutes at least 5 times a weak. But once you're start getting into shape run longer distances. ICE ICE ICE your injuries and make sure your shoes have full support.
One mile increase per week, so 26 weeks if you haven't run much before
Marathon runners train their bodies so that they are prepared for the 26.2 miles of running. Each mile run during training helps condition them for the challenge. However, when the pain hits, the battle becomes more mental than physical. The unique thing about marathon pain is that there is a completely effective way of stopping the pain - you just have to stop running. Not a very good option for someone trying to finish a marathon. So in the end, the marathon isn't so much about suppressing pain as it is running through it.