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The amount a pga/lpga pro earns can be very different, depending on how good the player is and what games ( and how many) the player plays.( the amount for earnings in certain games varies to.

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10y ago

There is a large salary gap between the various players. The players who win more tournaments earn more income , the losing players may only make $6,000 and the higher (winners) earners can make up to 635,000 or more.

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15y ago

Depends how good they are. The lower end would be around a couple of hundred thousand dollars. The average for a good player would be about $5 million and a top player like Tiger Woods $10-12 million. That is on course earnings alone, endorsements and sponsorships for Tiger Woods are around $100 million.

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10y ago

The salary of a Golf pro will vary depending on their experience and where they work. The average salary of a golf pro is about $40,633 per year.

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14y ago

it depends on how good the player is (how many comptitions they win)

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