It takes 12 Strikes to get a 300 in 10 Pin Bowling. There is 10 frames but on the last frame you are able to get 3 strikes
The maximum is 12 strikes in a 300 game.
12 strikes one for each of the 10 frames and then 2 more strikes to complete the last frame 3 ball minimum 12 strikes
You need 12 consecutive strikes.
If you throw strikes in every frame, meaning 12 consecutive strikes, you have just shot a perfect game. This means that you scored 300 points
A 300 in bowling is a perfect game, with 12 strikes in a row.
The score for 10 strikes is not 100.... And the score for 12 strikes is 300... That is the best score that you can get...
12 strikes in a 300 bowling game
It was a total of 39 stripes.
Bowling 12 strikes in a row, which would be the equivalent of 120 physical pins, would score to be a 300.
A perfect game is 300. This represents 12 strikes in a row.
All it take is three strikes!
Bowling 12 strikes in a row and getting a perfect game of 300.