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Q: How many people went to see the Tour de France?
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What does on Saturday I went in a tour around France mean in french?

How to say on Saturday I went on a tour

Who did Jonas Brothers ft with?

The Jonas Brothers have been on tour with many/several people. But, I think one of the best is when they went on tour with Miley Cyrus in their "Best Of Both Worlds Tour." I hope I helped.

Who went to France?

Lot's of people.

Are people wearing costumes to the Star Wars Concert tour?

I just went yesterday and there were a few people other than the employees in costume.You will also see many tour employees wandering the exhibit in costume for photo ops and so on.

Does the tour de France go every year?

The Tour De France always finishes in Paris and has mountain sections and time trials but the route changes each year even crossing into bordering countries on occasion. As far as I know it went into the Italian Alpes ad Spanish Pyranees in recent years and has also had a stage in the UK.

Where did Tchaikovsky tour?

On his European tour, he went across Europe through many of the German cities, Vienna, Prague and Paris. His 1891 tour started in New York with a premiere at Carnegie Hall. He also went to Niagara Falls, Philadelphia and Baltimore.

How many times were France in the fifa world cup?

France went in every world cup.

What are the nouns in the sentence the people were asked to leave the museum because the fire alarm went off during the tour?

people museum fire alarm (compound noun, where fire is a noun adjunct) tour

How many and when did the American Expeditionary Force reach France?

2 million went to France during WW1.

What was the first tour Greyson Chance went on?

His first tour was the 'Dancing Crazy' tour with Miranda Cosgrove.

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How many algerians went to France after the algerian war of independence?

6-7 nillion people about 20 percent of french population is of algerian origin