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How to say on Saturday I went on a tour

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Q: What does on Saturday I went in a tour around France mean in french?
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It means "on Saturday afternoon" in French.

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she is French means she has French citizenship, she is a citizen of France.

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'français' means 'French' in French. That's the name of the language in France, or of the people in France.

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Do you mean to ask "HOW do you say 'long live France' in french"? Because your question "What does long live France mean"... does not make much sense... If you're asking how to say it in FRench, it is "Vive la France" as for what it means well... it means long live France... :o)

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Do you mean, what is it in English? samedi matin = Saturday morning

What does samedi matin mean?

samedi matin means Saturday morning in French.

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If you mean French from their native country of France, then it's Europe.

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