There are many apps for phones, tablets, etc that help prepare people train for marathons. One of these apps is the Livestrong application. Another is Runner which tracks one's daily progress.
they have prsonal trainers to train them
Train and train! If you want to be a long distance runner you have to have a lot of stamina, strengh and speed.
well all you gotta do is train really hard and you Will get their and u must have lots of energy not really old no offence u could faint in the middle of it LOL do takeit seriously LOL
If I were to be a runner I would train by running everyday and exercising regularly. I would jog long distances and work my way up to running long distances.
To train and get fit.
very hard
by a underground train
Olympic atheletes train by running and jogging which also makes your muscles stonger and makes you run a bit faster than you had before.
well basicly it is having strong leg muscles. being athletic. being in shape. and just train by sprinting and train for that specifically! im a track runner!
they swim and they swim a lot
Each runner is different but the normal pattern of volume is approx 10-15 hours per week of running a week. The rest of training is core, strength and cross training if needed.