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Q: How is force summation applied to the overhead badminton clear?
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Where do you stand for an overhead clear in badminton?

this game his fanstastic

What is clear or toss shot in badminton?

"The overhead clear shot is the primary return for a deep serve or deep clear from your opponent" Read more: How to Hit an Overhead Clear Shot in Badminton | Basically a shot that has to be hit over one's head

What are the terms to be used in badminton?

Badminton TermsThese are the common Badminton Terms used in BadmintonAttacking clear

What are the stroke in badminton?

Clear- Far shot to force the player to the back of the net. Smash- Fast, downward shot. Usually involves jumping into the air. Overhand- A simple, forward movement of the racket over your head to hit the birdie. Backhand- Self-explanatory. Drop Shot- Usually done after a clear, where you tap the birdie just over the net.

What are three types of hits in badminton?

over head clear drop shot smash under head clear

Does polyurethane dry clear when applied to surfaces?

Yes, polyurethane typically dries clear when applied to surfaces.

What are some Names of badminton strokes?

clear, drop shot, net shot, smash

Does rubber cement dry clear when applied to paper?

Yes, rubber cement typically dries clear when applied to paper.

What muscles are being used when preforming an overhead clear?

the latisimus dorsi

Does Matte Mod Podge dry clear when applied to a surface?

Yes, Matte Mod Podge dries clear when applied to a surface.

Does Mod Podge Gloss dry clear when applied to a project?

Yes, Mod Podge Gloss dries clear when applied to a project.

What are the Sport lingo in badminton?

smash,rally expedile,high clear,drop shot