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"The overhead clear shot is the primary return for a deep serve or deep clear from your opponent"

Read more: How to Hit an Overhead Clear Shot in Badminton |

Basically a shot that has to be hit over one's head

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14y ago
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14y ago

A clear is when you get rid of the shuttlecock to the opponents side of the court without loosing of points.

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13y ago

A clear is when some one hits it to you and you hit it hard to the back of the court up high. This is a good shot for when your opponent is right up close to the net, try and move him around.

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9y ago

You clear in badminton to get the birdie far and high. It also puts your opponent at the back of the court if you land a good clear.

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11y ago

toss shots are tose shots which pull the oponent in the backlobby

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What are some Names of badminton strokes?

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What are three types of hits in badminton?

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What are the Sport lingo in badminton?

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What are the stroke in badminton?

Clear- Far shot to force the player to the back of the net. Smash- Fast, downward shot. Usually involves jumping into the air. Overhand- A simple, forward movement of the racket over your head to hit the birdie. Backhand- Self-explanatory. Drop Shot- Usually done after a clear, where you tap the birdie just over the net.

What are the other names of badminton?

The smash- fast, downward hit onto opponent's side. Forehand- A standard motion of badminton. Usually over your head. Clear- A far shot to the back of your opponent's court. Usually followed by a drop shot.

In badminton what does toss mean?

A toss i where the two players go and 'toss' a coin if they win then they will have a chocie of of which end they will start the game of of to serve first.

What is always a underhand shot in badminton?

an overarm shot

What four things must happen for a badminton serve to be legal?

A toss

What is a forehand shot in badminton?

A forehand shot in Badminton is where the shuttlecock is hit forward with the racquet without crossing the upper body as in a backhand shot.

What is another word for faking a shot in badminton?

Deceptive shot.

What a freehand shot in badminton?

I dont

Is drop shot a offensive shot in badminton?

No because all you are doing is letting go of a shuttlecock ad hitting it with a badminton bat