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I think the middle if you are good enough you will be able to land in the same spot on the trampoline, if not go from the side and practise staying in the same spot (try moving backwards a bit while doing your front flip so you land almost in the same spot).

PS i am a profesional trampolinist!

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you sould only jump as high as it feels comfortable, but not to low

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14y ago

The most important thing about jumping high on a trampoline is momentum. Without momentum, the body will not go high. Be sure to jump like you are actually jumping on solid ground.

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Its tells you how to do tricks. You can also hold the left or right button if your high in the air to do a back flip or front flip.

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Nothing is impossible but the only limit is how high you can bounce on the Trampoline which will limit you to moves.

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It is very likely as the Olympic trampolines will be of high a quality as is possible.

Where is sky high Trampoline place?

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Where can you get a good quality 15 foot trampoline?

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Can a trampoline bounce?

teah they can, they can bounce as high as the sky, i saw it myself

How high do you jump for a backflip?

when doing a back flip there is not a certain height for it you just literally jump up and tuck back and hope you land it you might have to try a couple of times. but if you can try to practice on a trampoline or on sand dunes if you are near a beach then give it a go.

How do you do a forwards flip on the trampoline?

You start bouncing really high. On "the" bounce, right before your feet leave the trampoling, swing the top half of your body really hard. A good example is, pretend you are trying to suck your dick.The above technique is common among people who attempt to teach themselves somersaults at home without the support of a coach. It is a good way to break your neck. If you want to learn how to trampoline, especially inverted manouvers find your local trampoline club or look for classes at a sports centre.

What to do with trampoline in hurricane?

During a hurricane, it is best to secure the trampoline by taking it down and storing it in a safe place to prevent it from causing damage or becoming a hazard. Flying debris in high winds can turn the trampoline into a dangerous projectile.