My son and I did this experiment as a science fair project. We put 2 tennis balls in the freezer for 1 hour. We also put 2 tennis balls in heating pad (high setting) for 1 hour. We also used 2 room temperature balls. We dropped the balls from 80" onto a tile floor and measured the height of the bouces with a measuring tape. The results were fairly dramatic. The tennis balls from the freezer bounced an average of 25 inches. The room temperature balls bounced a full 50 inches. The warm balls bounced an average of 55 inches. Obviously there was a significant difference between the bounces of cold and warm tennis balls.
A soaking tennis ball won't bounce high because it has become water-logged
about 45 to 59 inches high
if it is rough it will bounce lower and it is smooth it will bounce higher
Hot. Personal experiments have shown that temperatures below 25°C make the ball bounce less. From 25°C and upwards there aren't any greater changes in height of bounce. The balls bounce almost the same.
Yes, heat can affect the bounce of a ball. When a ball is heated, its material may become more elastic, causing it to bounce higher. However, excessive heat can also soften the material, reducing the bounce.
A tennis ball bounces higher in hot weather than in cold weather because the density of air is less in this weather, due to which the frictional force is reduced
Technically, a frozen tennis ball will not bounce well because of the temperature. The elasticity is one of the factors in which a ball bounces and when things are colder, there isn't as much elasticity, so it will not bounce as well. Therefore, a dry ball (as long as it wasn't frozen in a container) will bounce better than a frozen one.
25 centimeeters
Yes it does, the water accumulates in the ball, which causes it to get heavier and therefore doesn't bounce as high as a normal tennis ball. The ball also tends to slide on the courts when the ball hits the surface when hit with pace.
i know that a basketball will because if it has nothing in it, it won't bounce. right? but when you put more helium in, it will bounce high. but if you put to much in it, it might explode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Should to around 75% of the height that you drop it from.