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It effects your health by when you get hit with a softball you get a ginormous brouse! Oweeeeeeee.

Sports usually are good for your health as they keep you active and your muscle r constantly working, but working out or doing sports for a long period of time without resting isn't good, because then your muscles get tired and sore and you will have aches and pains, and a good thing to do when you think you will, is get in a bath of ice.(stop aches and pains and sores from arising)

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15y ago
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14y ago

it makes you tired, confused, unhappy, sad, mad, and makes you want to give up in this world. Now take this seriously. I really mean it. So what i suggjest is stay home and eat and sleep that will help you

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11y ago

it makes you tired/proud and other feelings

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Q: How does particitpating in a sport affect your hauora?
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The four dimensions of Hauora are -Taha Wairua -Taha Tinana -Taha Hinengaro and - Taha Whanau Which mean -Spiritual -Physical -Mental and Emotional and Societal

What is the definition of Hauora?

Hauora is the Maori Philosophy to health unique to New Zealand. It includes Taha Tinana - Pysical well being, Taha Hinengaro - Mental and Emotional well being, Taha Whanau - Social well being and Taha Wairua - Spiritual well being. Hauora is recognised by the World Health Organisation.

What does hauora mean?

The Hauora, is a Maori philosophy of health and well-being unique to New Zealand. It deals with four aspects of the mind and body; physical, mental, social, and spiritual. The Hauora has been compared to the four walls of a whare, each wall representing a different dimension. All four dimensions are necessary for strength and stability. Recently, the Hauora has been integrated into many primary and secondary schools in New Zealand to allow children to understand and appreciate the important aspects of both fitness and well-being.

What do the four dimensions of hauora have to do with sexualiy?

Well the art hauora allows you to become more relaxed which allows an optimal amount of energy and therefore a better outcome. This also generally gives a better performance and a more satisfied partner..............................................:)

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well, a heart attack can affect you in sport because of your face.

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Since sport is not work, the Health and Safety at WorkAct does not affect it.

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because it does

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