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It is a medical phenonemon. Scientists are still trying to figure it out.

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Have natural athletic abiliy, a top flight coach and dietary team, commercial deals or private wealth to pay for it all and train very very hard.

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His muscle shape and oxygen intake

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by his friend

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Q: How does Usain Bolt run so fast?
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How many friends does Usain Bolt have?

Usain bolt has about no friends cos he is so stupid and dumb he thinks he is fast but he is not

Why is Usain Bolt so fast?

hi just is!

Who is quickest over 100m - Usain Bolt a horse a hare or a greyhound?

bolt can beat alot of animals but he can not beat a cheetah

What actors and actresses appeared in Why Do Jamaicans Run So Fast - 2009?

The cast of Why Do Jamaicans Run So Fast - 2009 includes: Etana as herself Usain Bolt as himself Vybz Kartel as himself Asafa Powell as himself Veronica Walker as herself

Is there proof that being tall or short effects how fast you run?

Well, I feel like short people run fast becouse they have smaller legs, but people like usain bolt, which is pretty tall, runs extremely fast.. so i think its much about the technique and training when trying to run fast

How can Usain Bolt run so fast?

well it all started in 1436 dumbledor was fighting he who must not be named (voldemort) and harry was the dardy chosen one GO GO GRIFFINDOR

does running help?

Of course running helps, how do think usain bolt got so fast and strong legs?

Does Usain Bolt have any brothers and sisters?

usain bolt doesent have a b or a s so i agree

Is Usain Bolt a democrat?

Usain Bolt is a Jamaican. He has so far not shown any political party leaning.

Which country does Usain Bolt like most?

Usain Bolt is from Jamaica so he probably likes Jamaica most.

How fast are humans miles per hour?

The fastest recorded so far is Usain Bolt at 27.44 miles per hour.

Who is the best person to run in track?

Usain Bolt holds the world record at 9.69 seconds for the 100 meter dash. Usain Bolt holds the world record at 19.30 seconds for the 200 meter dash. Michael Johnson holds the world record at 43.18 seconds for the 400 meter dash. So I would say Usain Bolt.