First, the main thing you've got to know is if your score is an even number, you always serve on the RIGHT. If it's odd, you serve on the left. There are some rules of doubles. You choose a first player and a second. The first player serves first. If you win the point, you keep serving until you lose the point. This is when there are two ways: 1. You can give it to the opponent's first player and let them serve. When they lose the point. It is the second player on your teams serve. You only get one person's worth of a serve at the start of the game. So, it immediately goes to the other person's team when you lose the serve. 2. You can give it to your second player on you team and serve. Once your team lose the serve, it's theirs and they play first player and then, second player.
its kinda like tennis, 1st to determine who serves first you hit the shuttlecock in the air, the direction it points to is which side serves first. 1st serve is on the right serving diagonally and must go over the service line, underarm serve and the receiver cant cross the service line either. once the shuttlecock has been served and is over the service line the opposition hits it over and over again. Each rally is worth one point no matter who is serving, the winner of the rally gets to serve.
The Umpire will keep the score in a supervised game.
You need to have 21 points to win the women singles badminton match.
the match between peter rasmussen of denmark and sun jun of china is the longest in badminton history.its duration is 124 mins.
Usually on electic score boards but if not just on paper.
Simply, there is no time limit to how long an Olympic badminton game will last. The Olympic committee only counts how much time is used for the game. Therefore, a minimum of 21 points with the player leading by at least two points would win a match with 3 matches; 2 matches wins. However if a badminton is being delayed to the last game match, 15 points is needed only, and whoever reach 15 points wins the match and the game. I would say in a typical amature match it's about 15-20 min...
its a match
Depends on which match. Singapore Indoor Stadium for the first match.
Golf. lol No, It's Badminton.
The match referee in badminton is called the umpire. There are 8 other linesmen for making line calls.
To make the match fair. If one player had the side with no sun they would have the predominate advantage.