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How do you say mini gold or just gold in french?

Edit: We would say exactly the same, but in Québec we would also say " mini putt" for mini Golf.

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Q: How do you say mini golf or just golf in french?
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In Spanish, "golf" is pronounced as "golf." In French, it is pronounced as "golf." In German, it is pronounced as "golf." In Italian, it is pronounced as "golf." In Japanese, it is pronounced as "gorufu."

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Is it you do golf in French?

You can translate "play golf" from English to French in one of two ways. You could say jouer au golf, which is the more literal "play golf" translation. You could also say faire du golf, which uses the verb faire, often translated "make" or "do" in English. The second translation has a sense closer to "shoot a few holes of golf", rather than "play a game of golf".

How do you say i play golf in french?

Je joue golf