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You pick up a marker pen and write you signiture or you have to be a profffesional and you will get played to sign rhousnads of balls :)

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

Black permanent laundry marker

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Q: How do you put your name on a ball?
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How do you beat level 1 on factory balls?

Put the ball in blue and then put the black tape on it. Then put the ball in green, then put the ball in the black tape again. This should make the designated ball.

How do you beat level 1 on factory balls 2?

Put the ball in blue and then put the black tape on it. Then put the ball in green, then put the ball in the black tape again. This should make the designated ball.

How do you beat level 20 on factory balls 2?

put the ball in black then put the hat on then put yellow then take hat off then put the ball in the arrow 3 times then put hat put the ball in yellow then take hat off and put ball in yellow once

Name something sideshow performers put in their mouth that you wouldn't?

Fire, sword, balloon, ball, rope

What is the shot put ball called?

A shot put ball is called GET A LIFE AND GET OFF THE COMPUTER!

What kind of ball is heavy?

a medicine ball, a bowling ball, a shot put

How do you score a game that is forfeited?

You simply put the score the match was up to such as 5-3 at the time it is forfeited and then put retired in parenthesis next to the score: 5-3 (retired). If a player forfeited then you put retired next to the players name when scoring.

How do you beat factory ball 2 level 27?

1. Put the horizontal belt on the ball 2. Put grass seeds on the ball 3. Take the horizontal belt off and put the vertical belt on 4. Put more grass seeds on the ball 5. Water the ball, then take off the vertical belt 6. Put horizontal belt on and water the ball 7. Take off the belt and water the ball

What is the birth name of Suzan Ball?

Suzan Ball's birth name is Ball, Susan.