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I used to have this fear all the time and its so common in gymnasts/cheerleaders. My excuse would of coarse to not blame me and say I "forgot how to do it but of coarse I didn't forget and I just didn't want to admit I was scared even though everyone knew I was scared haha. So I had it from January till may and had a few blocks in between but none too major. Then in late May I sprained my finger doing one and I was scared I had to take a few weeks off from throwing it. I lost it and for the whole summer I did. All I could work on was a standing tuck and getting unnecessary spotting on my roundoff back handspring. Finally, in some time September my coach spotted me enough that i naturally threw it again but the whole time it was all in my head. Basically while you do your round off tell yourself to throw the back handspring. Just bend with your knees and jump back. Once you throw it keep throwing it and you now have it again! Also set your self goals or give yourself consequences for motivation. Every time I always don't throw it I make my coach make me do a lot of push ups or conditioning as a punishment hahaha. And think that when you throw it you finally get to move on to other stuff like tucks and not stuff you keep reviewing that you already have. Just trust your coaches and when they say your ready you are ready! Just throw it and think that once you do you will have it and you can move on to other stuff and you can use the round off handspring in your routine! :D

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13y ago
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13y ago

If you are healthy, then you have to trust your body and know the steps in doing a back spring.

You should train your back to be flexible so then you probably don't have to jump too high to land on your hands.

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13y ago

Try doing the motions first until you feel comfortable. Then, try with a spotter. Don't try it alone until you are sure youre ready.

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15y ago

Do lots of drills and you will hit it

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Q: How do you overcome a fear of roundoff back handsprings?
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