Well, if it doesn't say so on the frame it gets kinda difficult. Someone who has a lot of experience might be able to recognize the frame, or maybe even the serial number.
haro Not a haro
Haro by a long shot
haro bikes are quality espicialy the haro x3 amazing bike 10/10 :)
usually you are a luck man if you can find any decals from a haro bike, i had the same problem and haro informed me that they dont hold on to past bike decals so your out of luck sorry
ANSWER: I believe that Haro is the best BMX complete bikes for the money. I love my Haro BMX race bike.
The inventor of the Haro Bike is Bob Haro. He was born on June 29, 1958 and is a former freestyle BMX rider.
Haro is a brand, and they have several types of bicycles. And no, they aren't "the best", whatever you mean by that.
probably the haro prolite, I'm warning you they are about 800 to 900 bucks Canadian
haro sd frame
Bob haro invented the first freestyle BMX bike.
yes it weighs 23.6lbs