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boil it in water, the dent should rise back up unless there is a crack

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Q: How do you fix a dented pingpong ball?
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There is no rubber in a soccer ball

How do you fix a dented ping-pongball?

Put it in boiling water

Why it is called pingpong?

Only because of the sound made when the ball hits the bat or paddle

What is lighter than a golf ball?

A pingpong ball. There much lighter like if i throw them at my head with my shotgun it will not hurt much.

Why do you put a ping pong ball in a hot cup of tea?

This is a method to repair a dented ping pong ball.

How high does a pingpong ball bounce?

The harder you bounce the ping pong ball the higher it goes........the softer you bounce a ping pong ball the shorter it bounces. You control the heighth.

What is a ping pong ball made of?

plastic , designed to be very light for hitting with a pingpong bat It is made of plastic

What kind of air is inside the pingpong ball?

it is in fact regular air inside the ball. the smell is because its contained for so long the air has become stale.

Should you use your dented bat?

no you should not it will make the ball go in a different derection