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To begin a cartwheel, stand in a lunge; your "favorite" leg in front, knee bent slightly, arms up by your ears.

Let's assume you are a right sided gymnast; if you're a lefty, simply reverse these directions. Reach forward with your right arm, kicking your left leg up as you do so. The left hand should follow very quickly, and as it touches the ground, your right leg should be off of the ground also. You should pass through a straddle handstand briefly. Your left leg will reach the ground 1st, followed by the right, which you will place in back, finishing in a lunge, just as you started, but with the opposite leg in front.

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16y ago

You will want to start with your favorite foot in front. Your hips should be parallel and squared up. Hold your arms up in the air. As your hand approach the floor, you backfoot should raise up in the air. The hand that should touch the ground first, should be the same hand as the foot that is in the front. For example: if you start with your right foot in front, your right hand should be the first hand to touch the ground. Then as your other hand approaches the ground kick your legs straight over you. Your legs should not kick side ways, but they should go toward the ceiling. If you started with your right foot in front, your left foot should land first. If you stared with your left foot in front, your right foot should land first. You should land with your arms up just as you started and land with one foot behind the other, just as you started.

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16y ago

How to execute a perfect cartweel. 1.If your a lefty put your left foot forword if your a righty put your right foot forword. 2.Make sure bolth your feet face forword. 3.Keep your stomach tight and point your toes. 4.Raise your hands up and if your left handed put your left hand down first if your right handed put your right hand down first in a perfect line in front of your feet.Now this might be hard at first but practice makes perfect. 5.Keep your arms strong and lift your legs up above your head keeping them apart and then back down to the ground. Tip 1.Have someone hold your waist to keep you balanced or practice on a trampoline but don't kick them in the face. Tip 2.Start slow and as you get better go faster. Tip 3.Remember your trying to make your legs go in a half circle so don't stop short. Hope you do well.

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14y ago

Here are the steps to a cartwheel:

* You will be completing this technique at a 90 degree angle from the direction you are going. IE. Your body will be angled left or right of the direction you are going. It needs to be the opposite of the lead foot.

(1) Ensure the acting area is clear.

(2) Hold both hand over your head as if to reach for the sky while looking forward or at the ground of contact.

(3) Step forward with your lead foot.

(4)Begin bending at the waist towards the ground while bring one hand to the ground and the other about ten inches above it.

(5) With a forward motion begin transfering your weight and center of gravity to the hand in contact with the ground while raising the leg off the ground.

(6) Lay the other hand on the ground, transfer weight to both hands and both legs should be in the air.

(7) Reverse the order. Lay leg down on the other side and raise far hand off the ground.

(8) Transfering your weight back onto both legs raise both hands above your head and rise from the waist bend.

(9)It should be a fluid motion and enough momentum is needed to complete without falling. Balance is key.

** Once you begin the transfer of weight to the hand in contact on the ground you need to be confident and follow through. If you stall or hesitate you wikll fall.

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13y ago

a cartwheel is one of the world's easiest things to do. plant one hand, kick your legs up, plant the other hand and land. nothing to it

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Q: How do you do cartwheels in gymnastics?
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What are the people who can do cartwheels and gymnastics?

Gymnastics is done all over the world. Because of this, it is an Olympic sport.

What are two examples of an action which is work done in gymnastics?

Gymnastics actions are handstands, pull-ups, cartwheels.

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What actions are there in Gymnastics?

jumps, cartwheels, handsprings, leaps, layouts, kips, handstands, running, flipping.

When can fathers do cartwheels?

Dads are never allowed to do cartwheels or any kind of gymnastics, unless they're professionals and they don't look like a fool doing it. They're also not allowed to sing until the world ends.

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Exactly what she says. I doubt she means anything else when she is max 12yo. She is doing gymnastics as a sport or hobby and wants your opinion on her cartwheels and what not.

What is the difference between cheerleading and gymnastics?

Cheerleading is performed with a team, gymnastics is a solo sport Cheerleaders stunt Gymnasts have a higher level of tumbling Gymnastics has four apparatuses Cheerleading is more like tumbling. Gymnastics does bars,beams,vaults,and flexibilty. Tumbling is doing backflips,cartwheels,or other stuff on the floor which cheerleading is exactly like.

Are cartwheels a good exercise?

a free cartweel in gymnastics is when you take a step and do a cartwheel wihtout puting your hands on the floor or beam. :):):):):)

Who is the OLDEST person to still do cartwheels?

As of my last update, Johanna Quaas holds the record for being the oldest person to still do cartwheels. She is a German gymnast who was performing cartwheels at the age of 91.

What is the basic skills of gymnastics?

handstands, cartwheels, forward and backward rolls, backhandspring, fronthandspring, back and frontwalkovers, back and front tucks

What are the basic of gymnastic?

if your asking what the basic skills of gymnastics are, then its like handstands cartwheels back handsprings kips stretching back tucks and etc

What do you learn in recreational gymnastics in level 1?

You learn skills like forward & backward rolls, cartwheels, simple dance elements, jumps, and on bars pullovers and back hip circles.