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1st: warm up

2nd: have a supervisor (make sure you dont ask him or her to spot you cause you dont use a spotter in this flip you just put your hands down if you need to)

3rd: run and do what you would do to do a cartwheel

4th: then do a cartwheel but dont put your hands down

p.s. you can put your hands down if you want to though if you don't feel comfortable but usaully on the first try you will probably put your hands down when your really close just keep practicing!

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

You have to be able to do a fast and light cartwheel before you can do one without hands.

First, you have to trust yourself. Pretend like you're going to do a cartwheel then just push off your front leg really hard to go up. Then just don't use your hands as you land on a strong leg. Start off just doing one-hand cartwheels, barely putting weight on your hand.

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Is it possible to do a one handed front hand spring?

Yes, it is possible. Doing a one handed front hand spring is no different than doing a one handed cartwheel. maybe practice doing one handed cartwheels, then front walkovers, then work your way up to a one handed front handspring.

How do a one handed cartwheel?

It's easy once you have your two-handed cartwheel. Practice it with both hands then try it with your bad leg. After that (make sure you didn't fall on your bad leg), try the two-handed on your good leg but try to take one hand away. Keep on practicing that and also do push-ups everyday to work your arm muscles. You need to have that one arm strong because all of your weight on it! Good luck!

Is a cartwheel a dance?

Cartwheel is not a dance.

What is a cartwheel called with no hands?

a cartwheel with no hands is... A SIDE AERIAL.

What is an aerial cartwheel?

This would be a cartwheel performed with no hands.

Why is a cartwheel called a cartwheel?

Form of acrobatics and gymnastics

What are basic tumbles?

The basic tumbles are round-off and cartwheel-cartwheel.

How do you do a one-hand cartwheel?

You will want to make sure you can do a regular cartwheel with no problem, almost in your sleep! Then if you are a righty the one hand that stays on the ground is your right arm. If you are a lefty, the one hand that stays on the ground is your left arm. You just have to practice. Try starting the cartwheel with the hand that isn't going to touch the ground, behind your back.