First, you could contact the league secretary. If this was a USBC certified league, the USBC's website at has an average lookup feature.
Book averages are typically calculated by using the ending average of a certified league, providing the average has at least 12 games (or 21 depending on the situation). If a player has bowled multiple certified leagues in a season, each league will have it's own book average, however the highest of the averages is what the bowler will be using normally for tournaments for the following year.
Delaware averages more inches of rainfall per year
There is a "yearbook" put out each year. This will contain the averages of all the sanctioned bowlers in your locale. If you do not have access to one, ask your league secretary or the front desk clerk for one. They should have one.
Bowling for Soup formed in Wichita Falls, Texas in 1994
It averages every year doesn't it?
Baytown averages 48 inches a year.
A KFC Restaurant General Manager averages about $42,900 per year, while an Assistant Manager averages about $30,297 per year.
The U.S. averages about 1200 tornadoes per year.
Georgia averages about 29 tornadoes per year.
Texas averages 135 tornadoes per year.