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The popular way is by striking the Golf club on the ground right below the ball with more club speed. Another way to say it is hit the ground before you hit the ball.

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13y ago

Putting the ball back in there stance, putting there feet a little closer together and haveing a very steep swing plane (very upright and hitting down on the ball to sweep underneath it).

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Q: How do golfers make the ball spin backwards?
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Definition of top spin in tennis?

Top spin is when you brush up on the ball with the racquet to make top spin. Top spin is used in tennis to make the ball drop onto the court so it will not go out of play. It is the most common used shot in tennis. It is very consistant.

What part of the ball do you hit to hit an inside out forehand?

hi, i am an experience tennis player, and you have to hit the inside of the tennis ball. this way, you can get the spin that will make the ball spin outwrds. i hope this was helpful. rebecca

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Why do you need spin on a golf ball in golf?

All clubs put backspin on the ball (unless you totally duff it). As the ball moves though the air with backspin lift is created. This is called the Magnus effect, it is similar to Bernoulli affect. The spinning creates a pressure differential and thus lift. As to whether or not a ball releases, checks, or spins back upon landing is dependent upon several variables: Spin rate upon landing, angle of decent, angle of the surface, ball velocity, hardness of the ground, and the coefficient of friction between the ball and the landing surface. ANSWER: Back spin on a golf ball causes the golf ball to spin backwards as it travels away from the person who hit the ball. Hitting a golf ball with a back spin will allow the golf ball to travel a great distance with a high arc. Setting a golf ball in motion with a back spin also will help to bring the ball to a stop when it hits the ground.

Why does a ball come back when you put back spin on it?

When you put a backspin on a ball, the direction of the ball is going backwards. So when it finally hits any surface, it then hits that surface with the direction of the ball forcing it to go backwards...towards you!

Can you hit backwards on 8 ball pool?

Yes, and having the cue ball spin backwards is called draw. It is one of the most important early skills to learn for shooting pool. This is done by striking the cue ball slightly below center and accelerating the cue as you stroke through the cue ball. With practice a draw stroke can easily go 2 full table lengths including the bank at one end.

What are the physics involved with skipping a water polo ball?

Well when you throw the ball you need to throw it quite hard and spin the ball backwards and throw it down. If you throw it too flat then it will merely skim the surface, instead of skipping it. Some people find it easier to use a flat ball, like myself.

What is tennis ball spin name?

Top spin, back spin... There's a few.

Can you spin a chi ball?
