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Yes, and having the cue ball spin backwards is called draw. It is one of the most important early skills to learn for shooting pool. This is done by striking the cue ball slightly below center and accelerating the cue as you stroke through the cue ball. With practice a draw stroke can easily go 2 full table lengths including the bank at one end.

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Q: Can you hit backwards on 8 ball pool?
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When you are playeing pool and you have 1 ball left and the 8 ball and you hit your last ball in and also the 8 ball?

That is lose of game.

Is it a foul if you hit your opponents ball in pool then pot the black when you have none of your balls left?

Yes. If your object ball is the black 8 ball and it is not the ball that is hit first, it is a foul.

Is the 8 ball neutral in pool?

Not exactly. In 8-ball, anyone can hit the 8-ball into a pocket AFTER all of their balls are off of the table. For example, if you are stripes you cannot hit the 8-ball into a pocket while there are striped balls on the table. If you do, you lose. Some people play the game of 8-ball with the 8-ball being neutral, meaning you can hit the 8-ball first when making combination shots.

What are some good pool tips for a beginner?

Some good pool tips for a beginner is to line your cue stick up with the white ball and the ball you are attempting to hit into the hole. Do not sink the ball 8 ball.

What is behind 8 ball?

behind a 8 pool ball

How do you paste pictures on 8 ball pool profile?

how to paste pictures on 8 ball pool acount

Which pool ball is black?

The 8 ball.

How many balls are there in a standard pool game?

depends on the game, most common are 8-ball in which there are player plays1-7, the other plays 9-15,then the 8. the other is 9-ball in which there 9. In 9 ball pool you hit the nine ball in last.10 or 16. The three most common pool games are 8 Ball, 9 Ball and Straight Pool. Both 8 Ball and Straight Pool use 15 numbered balls and the cue ball. In 9 Ball, only the first 9 numbered balls are used plus the cue ball.

What are the websites to play 8 ball pool?

www.8 ball

What are the penalty rules for 8 ball pool?

you cant shoot the 8 ball.

What is the fifth pool ball in the pool triangle?

The fifth ball in a pool ball triangle will dpend upon the game being played. In Straight Pool, it can be any of 13 different balls. Only the 1 and the 5 cannot be located there. In 8 Ball, the 5th ball must be the 8 ball.

How do you get free credits on 8 ball pool?

i have done some surveys, but never add any credits to my 8 ball pool account