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Let the walking time be t hrs then the jogging time is 1 - t hours.

Distance walked = 5t (Velocity x time)

Distance jogged = 9(1 - t)

Total distance travelled = 8 km

Therefore 8 = 5t + 9(1 - t) = 5t + 9 - 9t = -4t + 9.

So, 4t = 9 - 8 = 1 : t = 1/4

If the walking time is 1/4 hr then the jogging time is 1 - 1/4 = 3/4 hr.

Distance jogged = 9 x 3/4 = 6.75 km

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Q: How do I calculate walking at 5 km per h and 9 km per h jogging total of 8 km in one hour how far do I jog?
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I'm a 38 year old female who's just taken up jogging in the last two months and recently did an all terrain 10K in 1 hour 5 minutes. This works out at 9.2km/hr, which equates to 5.72 miles per hour (average walking speed is approx 3 miles per hour)

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Brad walks and jogs to school every day he averages 5 km hr walking 9 km hr jogging the distance from hom to school is 6 km and the total trip takes 1 hour how far does brad walk?

Brad walks and jogs to school every day. He averages 5 km hr walking and 9 km hr jogging. The distance from home to school is 6 km and the total trip takes 1 hour. This means that he walks about 3.75 km of the distance. 6-x/9 + x/5 = 1 9x +30 - 5x = 45 4x = 15 x = 3.75 km

One hour of exercise lows blood sugar level?

No, if you are going to do for only one hour. But, if you indulge in physical activity/exercise like walking/jogging and light weight exercises and cardio for atleast an hour a day (split it as 2 half hour sessions) consistently for a few weeks, you can definitely see your blood sugar level go down.

What kind of exercise looses 1000 calories a day?

Intense Bicycling for an hour burns 700. Jogging for an hour burns 500. Power walking for an hour burns 600. An hour of water aerobics burns 400-600. An Intense hour of TaeBo burns 800. There are websites that will tell you a lot more. Try doing a search for " Calories burned per activity ". Hope this helps.