I like to watch the gymnastics team's performances.
Gymnastics came from the greek word "Gymnos" which means naked
Gymnastics are included in the Olympics. Sally excelled in gymnastics. Both males and females enjoy gymnastics.
In Spanish, the word for gymnastics is gimnasia
The suffix in the word gymnastics is the ICS. The ICS changes the meaning of the base word by making it a study or system instead of a person.
in artistic gymnastics they use bars, beam, floor, and vault
There are only three syllables in the word gymnastics. Gym-nas-tics.
When it comes to gymnastics, I just like to watch! His mental gymnastics were most tiresome.
Yes, the word 'gymnastics' is a noun, a common, abstract, uncountable noun; a word for exercises developing or displaying physical agility and coordination. The word gymnastics is an uncountable noun for an aggregate, a word representing an indefinite number of parts; aggregate nouns have no singular form.
Yes, A gymnastics meet is a competition. It is just another word for a competition.
A Gymnast