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Most high school outdoor tracks (that go around an official football field) are about 400m/lap or about 1/4 mile. Some indoor tracks are 200m/lap and are substantially smaller.

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Q: How can you tell if you are running on a quarter mile track?
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How many times do you have to run around a quarter mile track to reach 400 yards?

As any quarter-miler will tell you, a little less than once. (5280ft/mi)/(3ft/yd)=1760yd; (1760yd)/4=440yd= 1 quarter mile; 400yd<440yd.

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No one of importance WALKED "a mile in the bible... but Jesus did tell a parable about walking a mile: if someone forces you to walk a mile go with him two."So my friend, you may have mixed up RUNNING with WALKING.God be with you.

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track. anything that has to do with running. you use friction when running. but as for the 5 without use of friction then i have no idea

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With that little information it is hard to tell. Are they healthy and active, a girl a boy. It is hard to tell but anything under 2.30 is good, but don't worry some star track runners don't start running till their in middle or high school. At that age who cares.

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Yes, if there is no other force acting upon the railroad track then you would be able to hear the train about a mile away. Unfortunately this is dangerous because there is no way to tell exactly how far away the train is.

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Sorry to tell you but not that good im a sophmore now i ran a 35:12 freshmen year 36:07

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a thought track is when you pause and tell what your feeling in the audience.

How do you tell a s quarter from a quarter?

If it is a "s" quarter it will always have the S mintmark. You can find this mintmark usually on the back of the coin. The exact location will depend on the type of quarter.

How can you tell your chevy 350 got 450hp?

If you don't have a dyno to test the engine on, you could take it to the dragstrip. You'll need to know how much it weighs and the mph at the quarter mile. Then use this calculator:

How many laps will it take to skate 1km?

That depends on the size and nature of the track. Most running tracks are 400 metres, so 2.5 laps would be needed; many walking tracks can be in excess or 20 kilometres, so only doing 5% of one lap would be enough.

What is the worlds rarest quarter?

hard to tell. could be the minnasota extra tree error but probably the 3031 quarter

How can you tell apart a nickel and a quarter?

A quarter is bigger than a nickle. Also, a quarter has ridges all around the edge whereas a nickel has smooth edges