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Back handsprings can come within 6 days for some people and 6 years for others. The easiest way to learn how to do one is with these 3 things: coach, safety mats, and knowledge. You need the coach or instructor for guidance and support, the mats so you don't get injured, and knowledge so you are educated on form and instruction. Do not try it all alone for your first time without any spotters or protection. As long as you are ready to try it, follow these steps:

1. Breathe and relax. If you tense up or panic, it will make things worse. Just do it.

2. Get in stretchy exercise apparel or even a gymnastics leotard.

3. Start with your arms by your ears and your rib cage pulled up as far as you can go. Make sure you have at least 7 feet behind you where you are performing the skill.

4. Swing your arms back behind you while bending your knees and back straight up. If you took a quick picture the second you did that, it would look like you are sitting in an invisible chair with your arms back. You shouldn't be leaning forward, nor backward. You should be capable of holding this position for 1-2 seconds.

5. Swing your arms up super hard. This will do most of the handspring for you. As your arms rise, jump off your two feet with as much power as you have in your body. This is the key to a perfect back handspring. Try to aim for length and not height, but you have to be in the air enough to not hit the ground.

6. There usually is a split second where neither your hands or your feet are on the ground. But once you take off from your feet, your first intention is to look for and feel for the ground with your hands. Once you do, push through your shoulders to keep yourself sturdy and get your body over.

7. Now again you will have neither your hands or feet on the ground for even a millisecond. You have to remember to get your hands straight up, and try to get them up before you land on your feet.

8. Stick it! You just did a back handspring! Once you overcome fears, your next objection is to perfect it. Try pointing your toes and keeping your legs straight and keeping your head in. If you're in gymnastics, start adding things like Round offs or back tucks or layouts! Have fun with your Back Handspring and be safe!

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βˆ™ 7y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

first make sure you are capable of doing it...dont try if ur not ready. start with learning how to do a back limber. then gradually start doing your handspring with a spot the down a cheese mat by yourself and eventually youll get it! you have to keep practicing it though. dont just chuck...thats when youll hurt yourself!

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βˆ™ 14y ago

stretch your back every day by doing a backbend and taking your hands and bringing them in and out. MAke sure you can do a handstand, and a backbend. I am not in gymnastics i tought myself!!! make sure you start in a sitting position, or you could hurt yourself seriously!!! remember to have fun and stay safe!!!

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βˆ™ 13y ago

The best way to learn a back hand spring is to start by working on your back walkovers. next try to jump a little when your hands touch the ground. (feel free to use a spotter!) If you can find one, use a cylinder mat. Stand with your butt a few inches away, reach your hands up, squat into a sitting position with your back angled outwards. next jump up while looking back and try to look for the floor.

tip: always make sure your legs stay together and always keep your head straight ad looking back. If you don't you will flop to the side and hurt your back. another thing is, definitely use spotters if possible to gain confidence before doing it your self ad so you get the feel of what you are supposed to do.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Stretch your wrist and back a lot. If you are trying to get over using a spotter, each time you throw it have the spotter do less. When you get very good and only your confidence is standing in your way...have your spotter pretend to spot you. They can put their hands behind you but not actually toouch you. That's how I learned. Hope that helped!

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Senator John Bell seemingly on ly had one real true friend. James Johnson. This one friend aided John Bell in trying to rid his family and home of a spell cast on him by a witch. Kate was said to be the wife of a planter that John Bell did a serious wrong too.

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it depends where u want to cheer. for grade school squads a back handspring is not required. however, once u get into the high school level it depends on whether the squad competes or not. in college a back handspring is most likely going to be required, if not something greater, such as a round off back handspring back tuck or layout

What training such as like pushups situps and how often to do them till you have enough strength to perform back handspring?

Well, first of all, you have to know how to do a front handspring. Then you should practice handstands. Once you feel comftorable, then you should do jumping jacks, situps, and learn how to do a back sommersault. After you can do these, then practice the back handspring, and you will be able to do it. Good Luck!

You can do a round-off back handspring perfectly but you still have to master your standing back handspring?

Yes. Some people only have their round of back-handspring and can't do a standing back-handspring. It doesn't really matter the order you do things in gymnastics.

How do you learn the back handspring?

You have to make sure you have a really good roundoff. If you have. Really high rebound doing a back handspring will be much easier. So after you have a good roundoff with. High rebound then get a spotter and have them spot you for a back handspring. You want to do your roundoff and jump back not up and keep your legs straight. You don't want to land in the same spot you started you want to land a lot farther back. The more power you have the less the spotter will need to spot you and eventually you will get your back handspring by yourself!! Good luck!

What is the easiest way to do a back handspring?

Stretching your back and wrists. You don't want to get hurt. Back bridges are a great thing to do before throwing a back handspring.

How long to learn a back handspring and back tuck?

Back handsprings are a level 3 skill, and back tucks are level 5. So let your coaches know you want to move up.

What things do you have to be able to do for level two tumbling?

im assuming you already passed level one tumbling so that would be, back handspring roundoff back handspring front handspring/walkover i hope you pass!!!!!!!!!

Can you do a back handspring if you have a very weak wrist?

No because if you do a back flip handspring with a weak wrist. You could end up with a bad rist and your back flip handspring ould just not look right. If you have any questions about anything just rite:)

How to improve a high back handspring?

practice and you will get it

What is the average time of a teenager doing a back handspring?

There is really no average time . It all depends on four things. First , how fast you learn tricks. Second, how much dedication you put into learning the trick. Third ,If you are willing to practice your tricks. Fourth you must know other tricks before you can learn your back handspring. Like when you first begin you learn your forward roll then the straddle roll. After that, you will need to learn a back bend on the ground along with learning a handstand and a cartwheel. After you get your back bend on the ground you will work on a standing backbend, along with a hand stand snap down and a cart wheel click .If you can stop in your cartwheel you learn a standing backbend you will have to learn how to come up without rocking out of your backbend. Once you get that, you will learn a frontlimber and a backwalkover and maybe a front walkover. After that, you can learn your back handspring. But you cant just start on the ground. First, you have to be spotted on the top of the wedge. After you get that, you have to be able to do a back handspring on the top of the wedge by yourself, then you move down to the middle, then the bottom, and finally on the ground. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A SPOTTER WHO KNOWS WHAT THEY ARE DOING AND KNOWS HOW TO DO A BACKHANDSPRING. Sorry if this wasn't the kind of answer you were looking for and if it doesn't help.

How long does it take to learn a roundoff back handspring back tuck?

Honey, it completely depends on the person. It took me to learn it in 9 days (5 practices) to learn it. If you are at the stage, and you have the skills in order for it to work, you'll get it in no time! :)