Keep your feet moving and watch your opponent's body language. These are the two major keys to anticipating your opponent's next shot. Make sure to do a split-step every time your partner makes contact with the ball. A split-step allows you to be in balance, on the balls of your feet, and ready to move any direction. Observe professional tennis players and you will notice that they do this every time. Make sure to split step when your opponent serves as well. Check out your opponent
No because you may not go onto your opponents side of the court.
a chop shot is a.k.a. a slice which is a shot with backspin
combariene shot
To win a point at table tennis you need to make the ball bounce on your opponents side of the table, without it having bounced on your side first. If your opponent cannot return the shot in the same manner, you win the point.
a shot with no spin.
The name for a generic shot in tennis is a stroke. Strokes include forehands, backhands, volleys, drop shots, lobs, approach shots, serves, returns, groundstrokes, half-volleys, lob volleys, overheads, etc.
One of the major disadvantages in using a drop shot is that it is one of the hardest shots in tennis to master and do correctly. While playing in a match though the main disadvantage is if the player you are challenging is quick enough to get the drop shot and get a good angle which then it can be impossible to return the shot sometimes and then if the player retrieves the drop shot and the player returns the drop shot return the player who does the drop is very vulnerable for the next return.
The typical shots in a game of pool include - the break, a draw shot, a follow shot, a bank shot, a jump shop, a scoop shot, a masse, a kiss shot, a throw shot, a neutral shot, and a shot with english, inlcuding with running or inside english.
In platform tennis and racquetball, players can use the law of reflection to predict how the ball will bounce off the court walls, helping them anticipate its trajectory for better positioning and shot selection. In pool, players can use the law of reflection to calculate angles and rebounds off the pool table cushions, aiding in strategic shot-making and improving overall accuracy.
The opposite is forehand (as in tennis).
lob lob
A split-step in tennis is what you need to do everytime your opponent makes contact with the ball. Start in ready position. Ready position is the athletic stance you should in order to be prepared to hit a ball. Ready position involves standing with your knees slightly bent and your feet hip width apart. Hold your racquet head out in front of you so that you can go for every shot. Split step involves jumping off the ground slightly and landing on the balls of your feet. This will allow your weight to be centered and enable you to run for a ball in any direction. You do this when your opponent makes a shot. Then you can run after the shot. A split-step helps you avoid being on your heels or flat footed. Both of those situations will make it harder for you to reach for the shot. Notice how the professional tennis players do this all the time.