My favorite way is to tape several sheets of graph paper on a big cardboard piece for a background (with marks measuring the height from the bouncing spot in a few places), and put a video recorder on a short tripod at about the height the ball will bounce (practice bounces are usually acceptable). Before we could afford video recorders, I had to watch very carefully and try to mark the spot where I saw the ball go. I found out I was not very accurate. Keep in mind things like parallax (if I'm standing too high and looking down on the ball, I end up marking a different spot on the paper than when my eye is level with the ball at that height), how far the ball is from the paper, where the ball is being released from, is there an initial downward force, and how fast the ball is moving. There are a few other things that affect accuracy that I don't remember offhand.
The fastest ever serve recorded; 251 Km/h, was by Ivo Karlovic.
The fastest recorded speed for a ball in competition is 131 mph (211 km/h) from a tennis serve hit by Samuel Groth in 2012.
Men's tennis.
138 mph/222 Kmh
The fastest recorded soccer kick was 114 MPH.
75.2 metres/sec = 75.2 x 3600 met/hr = 75.2 x 3.6 km/hr ie 270.72 km/hr
It depends on how hard you want to hit the ball
No, the ball can be served at any speed the server chooses.
Hami Mandıralı - Turkey - San Marino (1996) - 266 km/h
149.8 152.7
123 fps