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The key to weight loss is to use up more energy during the day than what you get from eating during the day.

This leave you with basically three options:

- eat less/healthier

- exercise more

- or a bit of both

Now, the big thing to realize is that putting the energy in (=eating) is so much faster than using the energy up (= exercising).

If you're overeating, it's pretty much impossible to exercise hard enough and long enough to lose any weight through exercise alone.

Something like a cupcake might take 5 minutes to finish, and it'll take ONE HOUR to burn off.

So you see you really need to start by controlling what you eat.

Once you've managed that, then exercise can certainly help.

But jogging on the spot is a so-so-choice.

First, it won't be a very good burn, maybe 400 cals/hour tops.

Secondly, it'll be dead boring. Sticking with it long enough to burn any important amount of calories/energy will be a real challenge.

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10y ago

Yes it is. Anything which gets your heart rate up to over 60% of your maximum is cardio. Make sure you jog for 20 minutes or more to get into the fat burning zone. If you don't have the time during one workout session, try doing two 20 minute jogs, one in the morning and one in the evening, as studies have show separated workouts to be just as effective. To find out your maximum heart rate, subtract your age from 220. You can find out your heart rate after you've exercised by taking your pulse for 6 seconds and multiplying that number by 10 to give you number of beats per minute. If it's not 60% of the max, you know you'll need to work harder. Good luck :)

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absoulutely! you can burn calories by any type of physical exercise.

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Q: Does jogging on the spot make you lose calories?
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What is running on the spot?

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There is no way to spot reduce. When you lose weight, the weight comes from your entire body at the same time. Taking in fewer calories than you burn in energy is the only way to do this.

Can you exercise?

Running on the spot, jogging, sprinting, star jumps, and anything else that makes you fit.

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No. You cannot "spot reduce", or shrink the fat in specific areas, and nothing will make you lose fat other than burning more calories than you take in. Usually you need to eat less and exercise more.

If you run 30 mins each day how much can you lose?

Your personal burn rate will be dependent on a lot of things, but let's say a 30 minute run uses up around 300 calories. In food, that's about 2/3 of a cupcake's worth of calories. A well accepted average states that you need to lose about 3,500 calories to lose one pound. So if your eating is SPOT ON, then 30 minutes of running daily would lose you one pound every 12 days or so. If your eating ISN'T spot on - maybe you're eating, say a cupcake's worth of calories MORE than what you actually need, then you won't lose any weight, despite the running. So you see, any serious attempt at weight loss has to start with getting your eating well under control.

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Depends on what and how much you eat.And how hard, and for how long you exercise.Counting generously, each swimming session might use up 300 calories.300x30=9000 calories/month.If your eating right now is spot on, that amount of exercise might lose you about 3 lbs.

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To drop inches you only have 3 options: diet, exercise or surgery. Even with surgery you are advised to cut down on the calories. There is no such thing as "spot" reduction. You usually have to lose all over to lose that problem spot. Sit-ups may help tone some, but not very much.

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Its true that spot reduction is not possible, you will lose weight from entire body depending upon your body type and activities you are doing. The exercise such as running, jogging and other aerobic exercise are good for weight loss from thighs and lower body.

What muscles does jogging on the spot work?

Jogging helps the whole body perform better. It makes your blood circulation around the body much more active, helps you lose weight which automatically makes your body perform better. It does of course help the muscles in your legs the best, since those are the most active muscles in jogging.

How many calories does running on the spot burn?

Depends on how long you do it for.

Quick easy ways to burn fat?

Jogging on the spot, star jumps, cycling. Anything that gets your heart pumping fast.

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