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jogging is the best way for the improvement of our body... when we jogg more and more growth hormone is produced in our body. jogging increases the blood circulation and hence helps growth hormone to reach each and every part of the body easily... just remember always take a water bottle bcoz dehydration makes us fell lazy and makes the production of growth hormone limited.

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11y ago

As long as you are still growing, exercise like jogging and good nutrition sure will contribute to height and good health..

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Q: Does jogging help to increase height?
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What are some of the ways to increase your height?

When wanting to increase your height, there is no easy answer. Eat healthy and take plenty of vitamins, and be sure to stretch and exercise using the proper workout routines. Jogging and basketball are good examples of sports that will help.

What exercise help you increase speed?

Jogging, running, and sprinting.

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dried figs,and bananas (rich in calcium and phosphorous)and custard apple ,and taking sunbath (vitamin -D)go for jogging it will increase height. n esp. milk helps to increase your height :)

Can running on incline increase height growth?

definitely, trademill boost our growth hormone better than jogging and hence definitely increase height + decrease our body fats and make our thigh bone strong

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Is walking as healthy as jogging?

Walking is still healthy however jogging will help you lose weight faster as well as increase your fitness to a greater extent in the long run. This is due to the fact that you are burning more calories when jogging then walking.

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Can basketball increase you're height?

I think that playing sports/exercising will increase your height, or growth. Playing basketball requires you to run around, or even jump to score a basket which is a positive thing that may help you grow. I mean it doesn't help you increase your height from 5 ft tall to 6, but it does help you little by little.

Can exercise help increase height?

no, keep looking for a way tho

Does jumping rope help increase height and how?

no jumping rope does not help increase health. jumping rope is a cardiovascular activity nothing more.

How would one increase their height?

If you do not want to use drugs to increase your height the use of stretching exercises is one recommendation. Either Pilates or Yoga will help to correct posture and that should result in an increase of two or three inches in height.

Why does jogging increase your heart rate?

We used more oxygen .