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you have to jump high enough to do a 360 in the air

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Q: Does it matter how tall you are to do a back flip?
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How tall is Flip Schultz?

Flip Schultz is 6' 1".

How tall is Flip Andrade?

Flip Andrade is 5' 11".

What is easier double back flip or double frount flip?

double back flip

How tall is Flip Saunders?

he was about 6ft 1inch tall

How do you do a back-flip on scooter?

you flip idiot

If you feed a cat a fruit pastel will it back flip?

it will back flip x10000000

Is a backhandspring and a back flip the same?

No a back hand spring is when you do a real fast back walkover with you feet together. A back flip is also known as a back tuck and that's when you flip in the air.

Is it easier to do a front flip or side flip?

a back flip or a front flip wich is sooooooo much easier.

how can you do A back flip?


Can Shawn Johnson do a back flip on the beam?

Yes Shawn Johnson can do a back flip on the beam

Is flip a verb or a noun?

The word flip is a verb (flip, flips, flipping, flipped), a noun (as in back flip or an egg flip), and sometimes an adjective (as in a flip remark).

How do you back flip?

first you break your ankle 5 times. then you realise you can't back flip eeeeeezzzzzz