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Counting marks is typically only used as a way to approximate how close two teams are during the course of a match, and not as an official part of the scoring. But to answer the question, yes. In order for the mark total to more accurately reflect the actual pin count, you should subtract a mark if the first ball after a spare is less than 5 pins. Conversely, if you bowl two or more strikes in a row, the second and all subsequent strikes should be counted as two marks each.

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Q: Do you lose a mark in bowling if you dont roll a 5 after a spare?
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Related questions

What does mark mean in bowling?

it means you got either a strike or spare

If your your first ball knocked down 5 pins and your second knocked down two what is this called?

If you dont mark in a frame (strike or spare) it is an open

In bowling is it considered an open frame if you mark all the way to the eleventh frame but get only 9 pins in the twelfth frame?

No. The 10th frame is one of three deliveries. You only get a third delivery if you mark on the first (strike) or second (spare) delivery. An open in the 10th frame means you do not get a third delivery.

Is it necessary to make a strike or spare to make a mark?

Yes ... those are the commonly accepted rules. If the remaining pins are downed by the second ball, then that constitutes a "spare" or a "/" mark.

What is another term for getting a strike or a spare on your scorecard?

a mark

What does it mean to roll a clean game in bowling?

A "clean game" in bowling is simply a game that has no opens. That means that every frame, the two shots equal 10 pins.A mark is either a strike (10 pins in one shot) or a spare (ten pins in two shots). So a clean game would also be a game in which a bowler marks every game.Note: Some bowlers do not consider it an "open" (frame does not equal 10 pins) if the first shot resulted in a "split."

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No he did not lose the lawsuit.

Who is a better bass player Erik Chandler from bowling for soup or mark hoppus from blink 182?

What a stupid question; Mark Hoppus by far.

What is first mark in tancet 2009 for MBA?

TANCET 2009 MBA first mark is 64. For BC category 19 marks is not to get good college. but dont lose hope, apply for councilling.

Why do shot putters deliberately foul?

They are so excited that they lose control of their bowels. And becaus ethey step over the mark instead of backing out of the circle, otherwise its a foul.

Who sang it was 1970 something?

Do you mean the song "1985"? If so, then it is sung by Bowling for Soup.

Where is bowling?

Bowling in its earliest form is from Europe where its known as bowls. This is a lawn game that involves a mark to hit and a ball the size of a duck pin bowling ball. However the game we know today is an American rendition changed to become more popular than its classic counterpart.