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If you're Cheerleading for a sport, not usually. It is more of a spirit cheer team than tumbling. If you're doing a competitive team, yes you will need tumbling. You will be placed in the back while the team does whatever tumbling until you get your needed skill.

i think it doesn't really matter but then i hope you like being in the back. and as long as you improve your tumbling skills through the year then you will be fine!

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15y ago
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17y ago

no i don't think you do in like junior high and high school.

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16y ago

no, splits by themselves are not done as much in cheerleading as much as they used to be. There are some stunts that involve splits. Splits do help with flexibility though

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16y ago

idk my coach use to push all of us into it so i think it would be a good idea lol

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16y ago

no, but if you want to get good, believe me you should, but remember you can do everything you want, for the splits practice once a day and you'll see in a month you'll get it

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16y ago

yes. but the merjorty of them do a type of gymnastics called tumbling which is amazing.

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14y ago

No, but it is good to be as flexible as you can

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13y ago

It depends on the team. Some do and some don't. The coach should give you a list of requirements beforehand

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Q: Do you have to do gymnastics to be a cheerleader?
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Technically, she was a very good cheerleader if that counts, before she was famous.

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drink lots of water and stretch everyday and just be flexible and tumble very good and maybe get in gymnastics and practice practice practice!

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Any guy that's into gymnastics! I had a best guy friend that was very straight. And, no, he didn't become a cheerleader to look up the girls skirts. He really enjoyed it. He was the only male cheerleader in my school and got made fun of a little bit, but he enjoyed the exercise and social activity. Anybody can do it, it doesn't make you gay.

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It depends on who you ask, if you ask a club gymnast she will most likely say a backtuck, frontuck and so on! If you ask a cheerleader or highschool gymnast they will probably say that its a backhandspring or fronthandspring. Your Welcome!!

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What type of skills do you need to become a cheerleader?

You need to be flexible and be able to cheer people on even if they're doing terribly. Gymnastics helps with the flexibility, and optimism and a generally cheery personality help with the second part.

In yr9 when you get your choices what should you take on in school to be a professional cheerleader?

There are no specific high school courses that are geared towards becoming a cheerleader. For individuals wanting to pursue a career as a professional cheerleader they should enroll in dance classes such as jazz and hip hop as well as gymnastics. They should also join a cheerleading squad.

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