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The trampolines that provide the most bounce are made in Europe. These rectangular trampolines have a surface that is constructed of "string" and attached to the bed are special springs that propel the athletes from 20 to 25 feet high. Sometimes even higher. The next bounciest trampolines are American made and are very similar to the European trampoline except they are slightly smaller and not raised as high off the ground. The least bouncy are the round, home-type trampolines with a solid black propalene and much smaller springs. That these trampolines bounce much lower is a good thing since most home trampolines would produce far more injuries since the person jumping would probably go much higher than they can control. The problem arises out of the assumption most people make that since it is so easy to bounce high it must be easy to become a good bouncer. Nothing is further from the truth. Once a person loses their balance their body begins to rotate which means they will come down, but not on their feet in most cases. With the added height of the professional trampolines the novice bouncer would only rotate further off balance and fall from greater heights. There are important basic safety rules on trampolines of any type. I have witnessed kids violate each of these rules each time the get on the trampoline. Sooner or later they will fall and if they are lucky instead of getting hurt they will only gain more respect for the trampoline. The most important rule, although not an "official" rule, is never to bounce higher than you want to fall. The second most common (and most commonly broken on home tramps) is never to bounce with more than one person at a time. After that it is best to research the rules and become familiar with them. Rectangular trampolines are generally larger and have more surface area and more springs. That is the main reason they bounce far higher than round, home-style trampolines. Also, the type of surface, or bed, is important. Home trampolines have a solid surface that is flexible but not nearly as flexible as professional trampolines that make use of string beds and very advanced spring design. Because the string and springs stretch further, the bouncer is able to push the bed down further which means that the trampoline will propel them further as a result.

Beginning trampolining Not every one is looking for the best height in a trampoline especially if you're just learning the basics. Ive been doing trampolining at home now for about 4 months and my trampoline I go on wasn't expensive but is the most fun ever. I can already do front flips and back flips. If you are using your trampoline at home I would definitely recommend using an enclosure, just for that added safety which will boost your confidence massively. Very true information I have been doing gymnastics for about 6 years now, the best way to learn is at home in the comfort of your own surroundings, but i would recommend going for a rectangular trampoline when looking to be learning the basic skills.

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Q: Do round or rectangular trampolines bounce higher?
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There isn't ONLY oval. there's also rectanguler. So if your asking for oval, rectanguler, or circle, it depends on you/your family. I personally would say circle. They're the most popular type, and they have an eye for attraction. Ovals are okay, but not safe and definitely not as good as a circle trampoline. A rectanguler trampoline has the same thing, but there's no round spot, so you can't do your flips as freely as you can with a round trampoline. So i'd say, a round trampoline bounces higher, AND is better. ~Splitz.monkey13~

Are square trampolines better than round ones?

Round trampolines are much better. The strain on the springs is more evenly distributed. There is more stretch and flex in a round trampoline as opposed to a square trampoline. But it doesn't really matter both are just as good.

Why is ball round?

so it can bounce better if it was square it wouldn't bounce at all

In trampolining how big does a trampoline have to be?

you can get a trampoline in any size, , , usually sizes start at 8 ft. and go up to 17-18 ft. (circle trampolines) rectangular trampolines do give u much more space, but cost much more. Remember that to keep your trampoline in the nice shape that it was when u bought it invest in a cover for it. Saves it from bird poop, easy removal of leave, and water making it rust. You can round Trampolines and Rectangular Trampolines. The Round ones start at 6ft, although more normally 8ft, and go up to 10ft, 12ft and 14ft. There are also 13ft and 15ft versions manufactured, but normally as a price confusion tactic by multiple retailers. the rectangular ones start at around 2m long and go up to around 5m long. The round ones are better for general family use.

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What in the world are compressions springs?

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Does the texture of a ball have an impact on the bounce?

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