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No. At a typical PGA event, we have access to compimentary drinks at the venue anyway. If we go out with someone afterwards, it would be frowned upon if you don't pick up dinner.

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Q: Do pro golfers buy drinks when they have a hole in one during a tourney?
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Related questions

Is there a list of golfers with two holes in one?

No there is not. There is no list as such compiled. There are hundreds and hundreds of golfers who have had two hole in ones.

What do golfers call a bar on a golfcourse?

we call it a diddle

Why do golfers wear two pairs of pants?

In case they get a hole in one.

Why do golfers wear loud trousers?

Because there's a hole in one .

How is math used by golfers?

Estimation and how hard should they swing and their angle from the hole and ball Answer Golfers have to add up their shots to find the total for a given hole, and then add all those to find the total number of shots for the round.

I'm planning to offer a new car as a prize if anyone hits a hole in one at my charity golf tournament. Will it be worthwhile to buy hole in one insurance?

It depends on the length of the hole, and the number of golfers in the tournament. If it is a short hole and you have a lot of golfers, the chances are pretty good that someone will hit a hole in one. If they do you'll be glad you have insurance! Nobody's gonna hit a hole in one. Are you crazy? National Hole-In-One Association's website says they've paid out over $50,000,000 to hole in one winners. That's alot of hole-in-ones.

Do golfers have to start at hole 1?

Golfers do notnecessarilyhave to, but usually, people go from beginning to end, not the middle of the end to the middle, then skipping a few, and getting where you want to. It is easier to go in order, because if you go from hole 2 to 8, then 14, then go to 3, it takes a longtime to get from hole to hole.

How can lightning not be helpful to nature?

By hitting golfers on the 17th hole who are about to hit their best ever round, but end up fried. That's not helpful.

A golfer's first shot is from where?

A golfers first shot on every hole and at the beginning of the round is at the tee box

Why do pro golfers remove their cap before shaking hands after playing the eighteenth hole?

Answer by FutureLPGAgolferIt's a way of showing respect and that they had a good time on the course

How common is a hole in one at putt putt golf?

Putt-Putt golf is designed, so the player can get a hole in one on each hole if they use some skill, so it is more common than you would think. Trying to get a hole in one on a real golf course is very rare and is every golfers dream.

Who was the only golfer to make a hole in one on a par four?

Hundreds of golfers have had hole in ones on par fours believe it or not. But there has only been one in Professional competition, this was achieved in the 2001 FBR Open at TPC Scottsdale.Andrew Magee hit his tee shot on the Par 4 17th whilst the group in front were still on the green. One of the players on the green turned and walked away, as he did so, Magee's ball hit his putter and was deflected into the hole, as one of the caddies picked up the flag.