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Q: Do bmx riders get paid by the hour or week?
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Related questions

Are there any gay MotoGP riders?

Yes, there are many gay BMX bike riders

Do bmx riders ride everything?

depending on what it is but usually they do.

What impact did the framed impact 20 bmx bike 2016 have on the BMX community and riders?

The Framed Impact 20 BMX bike released in 2016 had a significant impact on the BMX community and riders. It provided a high-quality and affordable option for riders, making the sport more accessible to a wider range of people. The bike's features and performance capabilities also helped to improve the riding experience for many BMX enthusiasts.

How did BMX evolve?

bmx riding evolved from two professional riders from back in the set of BMX BANDITS. two professional bmx riders called kimmie pitman and kyall renshaw evolved the bmxing sport after they were seen doing double no-hander backflips over street curbs.

What is Sarah walker bmx riders favorite food?


Where are bmx bikes used?

Wherever the riders wants to ride them.

Who are some professional young bmx riders?

brett banasiewics

Famous bmx riders from Ireland?

shelby van deventer

How frequently do elite bmx riders train?

As much as possible

How did bmx riding evolve?

bmx riding evolved from two professional riders from back in the set of BMX BANDITS. two professional bmx riders called kimmie pitman and kyall renshaw evolved the bmxing sport after they were seen doing double no-hander backflips over street curbs.

What was kamakazi the olympic bmx riders real nmae?

jamie aadam hilderbrandt

Is bmx mad?

Well, there are riders who take some serious risks for pretty silly reasons, but you can find that in any sport. BMX as such isn't mad.