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Yes they do, and they have been trained by Buddy Lee . Buddy is the USA olympic comittees official Jumprope conditioning coach. And I am proud to say that I am his UK ambassador for his programes.

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Q: Do Olympic sprinters jump rope in training?
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Related questions

Is jump rope gymnastics?

No, but it is used as a warm up and used for fitness training in gymnastics.

Who invented the skip?

He did not invent rope skipping per say but he did create the first competitive jump rope team and start what may soon become an olympic sport.

Where can one find the best jump rope workout?

The best jump rope workout can be done at home, either without a video or with a training and motivational video. You can find many choices for the videos at online workout stores.

How many syllables are in jump rope?

There are two syllables. Jump-rope.

Is jumping rope a sport?

Jump rope is not just a childrens' playgroung game. It ISa sport. There are even jump rope teams that do lots of cool, fun stuff. Somethimes they even perform for people around their state, the country, or even the world! Expert jump ropers can do really sick, awesome tricks too! Im on a jump rope team called FLEUR DE FEET from Louisiana. Yeah we're pretty awesome!

How Is group jump rope played?

In group jump rope you have work as a team

Where in china was the jump rope invented?

It differs on where the jump rope was invented. I think the jump rope waz invented in China. Hope this helps a lot!

Can boys jump rope?

Of course boys can jump rope. I know a lot of boys who do jump rope, and they're better than A LOT of the girls.

When did jump rope start?

jump roping started Long ago in Egypt

What are the materials needed in playing jumping rope?

two legs, the ability to jump, and a rope. preferably a jump-rope

What can you use as a dog jump?

Jump rope

Why did Chinese invent the jump rope?

It is not actually known that the Chinese invented the jump rope since there are drawings of a jump rope from medieval paintings. The Chinese started using jump ropes as a game similar to hopscotch.